Enrollment is open to anyone of good character who is at least 18
years old regardless of their country of residence.
There are no prerequisites, but students must be able to speak and
write in English.
Anyone who has ever been legally classified as a sex offender or sexual
predator, or who has ever been convicted of child abuse is ineligible to receive our degree at any time.
Tuition and Fees
single course tuition rates are posted on the
Descriptions page next to the course title.
degree program tuition rates are posted on each degree description
page. Click on "Choose Your Degree" in the menu above to access our
degree programs.
degree program tuition plans include:
Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral Degrees.
required courses listed above.
online study material included (no additional book fees).
online exams and assignments.
Instructor access and support.
Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral diplomas (digital PDF and
Church Ordination (if applicable to the degree)
Postage and shipping for printed graduation documents.

Using Federal Student Loans, Grants, and VA Benefits:
Unfortunately, federal accreditation is unavailable to metaphysical
colleges and universities. Therefore, we are unable to accept any
form of tuition payment that requires federal accreditation.
All tuition payments are
processed from the
Enrollment Page (not here).
accept PayPal and major debit/credit cards via PayPal. For degree
program enrollments, we also accept bank wire transfers, and Western Union.
You DO NOT need a PayPal account
to use a debit/credit card. Just follow the instructions carefully.
You can also pay by telephone.
When paying by Western Union, once the MTCN number has been sent to us, we
will process your application and get you started.
For automatic monthly payment plans, you do need
a PayPal account to set the payments up yourself. If you do not have a
PayPal account, we will set up your automatic payment plan for you (if you
choose one of these plans).
Refund Policy. Since TFU courses and intellectual property are
digital in nature, no tuition refunds can be given for any course in
which a student is or has been enrolled for any reason. Application
fees charged at initial enrollment are non-refundable. Refunds for
tuition credits are not available. Refunds for courses in which the
student has not been enrolled will only be made to students who
officially withdraw from the TFU Degree Program. In such cases, the
refund will be made using the same method in which the student paid
(if possible) less a $50 processing fee. In some cases, due to banking
processes, refunds may not appear for up to two weeks. Please see TFU
Terms of Enrollment for complete details.
Obtaining a
Bachelor's-only or Bachelor's/Master's-only Degree
Students who desire only a Bachelor's degree, or only their
Bachelor's and Master's degrees (no Doctoral degree), may get these
single degrees by stopping their studies once they've earned the
degree(s) they want.
A graduation assignment is required after the Bachelor's-only degree
is completed, or after the Bachelor's/Master's-only degrees are
A $100 graduation fee applies which covers the assignment as well as
shipping the graduation documents. Only one assignment is required
at the completion of the desired degree(s), not one assignment per
Bachelor's-only degrees are limited to the
Metaphysical Science Degree Program.
Bachelor's/Master's-only degrees may choose any degree program
offered (click on the "Choose Your Degree" button on the menu bar
above for degree program descriptions)..
Degrees, Life Experience, and Transferring Course Credits
Due to the proprietary nature of the TFU Curriculum, TFU does not
give grade credits for life experience or transfer credits for
courses obtained outside of TFU or ICMH Schools.
students can transfer to TFU along with any previous course credits
contacting TFU Admin and enrolling in the TFU degree
program. A $25 transfer fee applies.
Students may receive credit for a previously earned Bachelor's
degree, however, in such cases, all required courses for the chosen
degree must be taken in the Master's program. An exception to this
rule applies to the Metaphysical Science and Spiritual Philosophy
degrees. Students who want to receive credit for a previous
Bachelor's degree for either Metaphysical Science or Spiritual
Philosophy must complete five courses from the General (G) category.
They may then continue on to the Doctoral Program.
Contact TFU Administration with any questions about the
Degree Program
Credit for Single Courses Taken at TFU or ICHS
Students who have taken one or more single courses here at TFU or at
the former International College of Humanistic Science (ICHS) can receive
course and tuition credits should they decide to enroll in the TFU
Degree Program.
Students who are considering enrolling in the TFU Degree Program can
start with a single course of their choosing and receive both a
grade and tuition credit for it if they enroll in a degree program.
The single course taken must be one of the required courses for the
specific degree program desired. Or, a student can receive credit
for any course if he or she enrolls in the Metaphysical Science or
Spiritual Philosophy degree programs.
Students who have taken five or more single courses here at TFU or
at ICHS can redeem them for a TFU Bachelor's degree by completing
the graduation assignment and submitting the $100 graduation fee.
Students who choose this option and then desire to earn their
Master's/Doctoral degrees must formally enroll in a TFU Degree
Program (click on "Choose Your Degree" above for the programs
Obtaining a
Second Doctoral Degree