Thomas Francis University is a metaphysics school that offers online metaphysics and spiritual Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD Doctoral degrees, parapsychology degrees, life coaching degrees and certifications, spiritual counseling degrees and certifications, metaphysics certificate courses, metaphysics classes, life-skills courses, paranormal investigator certification, relationship courses, leadership training, hypnosis degrees, hypnosis certification, Reiki classes, Tarot classes, and more. Affordable tuition plans available. All metaphysical distance-learning, online courses, and metaphysics degree programs are self-paced.
This will be my testimony to anyone I meet that just can't seem to find themselves or can’t understand their true purpose in life. I always knew I wanted my degree, but the traditional setup of college was a drag to me and every semester there was always an additional class that was required or an increase in tuition or both. I feel as if this program is designed for people like me who want to expand their thinking and be challenged without feeling dumb or getting into debt. I am extremely grateful for a degree program that allows me to simply think and to be myself. —Britney Bryant, USA
—Dr. Jonathan Jang, UK
—Dr. Kelley Penic, USA
—Dr. Juliette Cavendish, Australia
—Dr. Bryan Arndt, Canada
—Dr. Angela Kittle, USA
—Dr. Richard C., USA
—Dr. Dan Amzallag, USA
It has been an incredible journey studying in the IMHS Doctoral Degree program which enlightened and enriched me with so much knowledge and looking at things from a totally new perspective. Thank you so much IMHS for giving me such an opportunity to learn and deliver Greatness to the World! —Dr. Harjit S., Malaysia
IMHS has changed my life. I have grown and transformed to a better person, with an improved perception of myself. I am more grounded, peaceful, and calm. My perspective of my own life's journey has changed with improved positivity in my life as a result from these courses. I feel more self-mastered and honored myself more. This program has helped me improve all the relationships in my life. Each course gives invaluable information that will change you. I highly recommend this program for anyone who wants to change for the better, and make an impact to improve the world. —Dr. Melinda DF., USA
—Dr. Dieter Berndt, South Africa
IMHS is an absolute phenomenal educational program. I have always been skeptical when it came to taking classes online, but when I enrolled with IMHS and started their courses, I was blown away by the structure of their classes and subject matter. Regardless of the specialization you choose, you will no doubt walk away a better person. IMHS was the best decision I ever made thus far in my personal growth and education. —Dr. Paul M., USA
M —Dr. Pieter E., USA
—Karen B., USA
—Kyle O., USA
My energetic frequency has changed completely since I began the doctoral degree program. I have changed , all areas of my life have benefited from these changes. I have learned to completely accept myself, placing proper healthy boundaries as well as letting go of relationships that just don't work. IMHS has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. The knowledge I have gained of myself has been overwhelming. We all have difficult times and often need a wake up call, this has been my wake up all. Working towards my doctoral degree for me has become a journey of self discovery, growth and enlightenment. This program in its entirety so far has taught me more than anything I have ever experienced before. Teaching the tools to help myself to be a better person, mother, therapist, daughter, sister, and wife. All relationships within my life have changed in someway for the better. —LC., Canada
I have a very analytic personality. By nature, I tend to do as much research as I can on a subject of interest before deciding which course of action fits best towards the accomplishment of my goals. Before coming to IMHS, I researched many like institutions, however, I quickly realized that the word “like” in this context does not quite fit. IMHS by far outweighs other Metaphysical institutions in the quality and robustness of its degree program, instructor's subject matter-expertise, and attentiveness towards the student. IMHS will challenge you each and every step of the way as it empowers you with personal and professional practical life-skills, which you can begin to apply and start transforming your life… TODAY! —Dr. Luis P., USA
Throughout the last several months, I have been involved with studying for my Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD in the Metaphysical Humanistic Science program. The way this program has been performed and administered by the principle founder and instructor has transformed the way and possible future path that many academic secular institutions could very well take. So, in graduating from this program, the total volition to the knowledge of information contained in the course work, can only be—and should be—experienced for oneself; being motivated and allowed to achieve and grow as an individual is an experience and outcome that is absolutely defined within the truest sense of Metaphysical Science in which this Institute completely and fervently believes in and adheres to. —Dr. Rory W., UK
Even though I am only in Course 2, the challenge of the questions in the assignment creates a dynamic environment where the student can become immersed in their studies and really learn a great deal. I feel that it should be challenging. There are a lot of online doctoral degree programs. I looked through many of them before making my choice. Your program is by far—and I mean worlds above—the others in terms of mental stimulation and challenge. This is what I was looking for in a program. I feel like I am really earning my degree, not just paying for a piece of paper like many others. —Curt H., North Carolina
Words cannot adequately describe my personal experience with the Metaphysics Institute and the knowledge it has given me. It is beyond anything I expected when I was searching for a school. Making the commitment by signing up for my degree in Metaphysical Science has been the best decision I have ever made. I am devouring the information! I welcome the challenges that each course presents and I am amazed by how much I have learned, grown, and changed for the better since beginning the degree program. Doug Kelley helps us to understand the information, push ahead, and encourages us to be the best that we can be. He is very personable and he truly cares about each of his students on a personal and educational level. If you are looking for a fantastic education, personal growth, and a life changing experience, then look no further than the Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science. The value of this program far exceeds the price and it's the best investment I have ever made! —Deanna M., Canada
Anointment or Appointment? When I was changing schools and focusing on what to do for another doctoral study, I felt compelled to throw myself into a school I really had, in reality, no right to be at. I call this reason my “Appointment Approach.” Was I there for divine reasons, or did I put myself there just because? I knew I was not happy but was going along for the ride. I knew my “Anointment” came when I was finally giving up on schools to continue my studies. And, out of a last review of the Internet, appeared IMHS. I was shocked and reread the school many times before making contact. I began to question, “Was this the school I had been in search of?” “How did it just appear out of nowhere?” I knew then a higher power had intervened, thus my “Anointment” was being offered. IMHS is allowing me to grow in ways that an institute has never offered. Most texts and curriculum give the learner philosophies and the student must retain and reiterate the text to sound like something was learned. IMHS and the curriculum offers the student to create personal philosophies and methodologies in a fashion that will work for them, based upon the learning at hand. IMHS has given me a breath of fresh air that could not have come at a better time in my life as I transcend to the next level. —Professor Michael D., Ed.D, Florida
I think the metaphysics degree program is absolutely great! It should be mandatory for all of humanity! When I began the Doctoral program through the Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science, I didn’t even have a proper understanding of what metaphysics was. With my very first lesson, I was completely educated on the course topic. With that under my belt, I proceeded on to the next course, then the next, then the next. With each course I was being filled with grounded, life-enhancing skills that had immediate results in my day to day living. Each and every course is filled with concrete knowledge, useful tools, and absolutely no fluff or fillers. My life has not only been enhanced, but altered in such positive ways that words cannot describe. The program is specifically designed with the student in mind. Here you will find encouragement, and support. Even though this is a self-paced, online program, you are never alone in your studies. Along with the receptive connection with your instructor, we are all connected in this program. We, as students want each and every one of us to succeed. When we succeed, the world becomes a better place. If you are seeking more than just a mere existence of a life right now, then this is the place to begin your journey. If you want to increase the knowledge you currently have, then you will find treasure chests of gold nuggets within these lessons. If you want to be all that you can be, then you owe it to yourself to enroll in the IMHS. I hope you will join us. —Dr. Cathy H., Canada
I am currently enrolled in the Institute of Metaphysical and Humanistic Science and am finding the degree program well worth the price! It has a good mix of easy to understand topics, including ones that require you to really challenge yourself and your thinking abilities. Doug Kelley is easily accessible through email and telephone and takes a personal interest in his students and their progress. I have taken online courses before, but the IMHS degree program has a professional college-level academic feel to it and it is just as good, if not better than sitting in a university classroom. There is a good mix of reading material and video for the student to get a good grasp of the subject and unlike many instructors, Doug has no problem with making corrections on his own material if he feels it might not be correct in some way. I priced and looked at a few other online courses, and I have to say this is the best you will find, and especially for the tuition cost, you are getting far more value than any other metaphysics course on the Internet. For those who may not have a good understanding of metaphysics, and for those who think they wrote the book on the topic, there is something for everyone here at the Institute. —Dr. Steve G., Virginia IMHS stands out from all the rest in a way that grandpa stood out among other men. It has the age of wisdom, the experience of common sense, and the loving passion to teach me to grow from the hidden potential within. You don’t just learn, you live. —Ken H., California Whoever believed that online study or the study of metaphysics was a joke are wrong - well at least as it relates to this institution. These courses are obviously designed to create metaphysicians. They are no 'walk in the park.' In addition, from the first course and the required assignments, it becomes clear that this is what the study of metaphysics should be about - rigorous, but offering personal growth at the same time. —Dr. Kazie K., Jamaica I must admit I searched out numerous web sites looking for a school that offered Metaphysics that was structured, affordable, well-planned, and professional. The Metaphysics Institute met all of my criteria! I feel like I am back in college! Dr. Kelley wants only the best from his students, and expects nothing less! He gives advice and guidance in your lessons; at times making you re-think your answers. He approaches his subjects based on a realistic belief of his subjects and the philosophy behind Metaphysics. In other words, you are truly being educated to the science of Metaphysics! Upon completion of this program, you will have both a professional and realistic approach to the many fields of Metaphysics. I highly recommend this school to those who seek a career in this field, and to those who simply want to know! —Dr. Camille E., North Carolina The IMHS Accelerated Doctoral Degree Program is not only a well-crafted curriculum, but an unforgettable journey into the human experience. What impresses me most about these courses is that they are full of tools and easy-to-use strategies that are invaluable in personal and professional capacities. I am learning to improve not only my personal relationships, but am being equipped with everything I need to launch a successful career in the field of Metaphysics. Dr. Doug Kelley is by far the best teacher I have ever had, demanding my best so that I stretch myself to think and grow, but encouraging me in a warm and friendly manner. Add to this a community of fellow students to discuss and debate school and various topics, one on one sessions with Dr. Kelley, as well as tons of supplemental audios and videos, and it's easy to see: IMHS is the leader in the industry and the best choice I have made in a long time! —Arron F., Texas If you're looking for a school that cares about your success and does everything to help you achieve it, you've found the right one. IMHS may be an online school, but the instructors are never more than an email away offering support and assistance. You will never find a school that better prepares you to be the master of your life. —Shawna M., Maryland I am very happy with IMHS and the accelerated degree program because it is a very comprehensive and beautifully designed program that gives me encouragement and support to succeed at achieving my PhD. —Dr. Mark F., Mexico There were two critical components I wanted in a metaphysical school. I needed it to be non-religious, and I wanted it to be professional. The philosophies of IMHS are in line with my own, foremost is to say that we cannot know what we are observing unless we know ourselves and how our own mind works. This is fundamental to the study of metaphysics, and IMHS. I recommend IMHS to anyone in sincere pursuit of illumination. —Dr. Vicki H., Canada IMHS had the exact degree program that I was looking for and also offered incredible tuition rates! Once enrolled, I got the added bonus of a teacher who has also become my mentor. :) There is a never-ending wealth of knowledge even outside of the curriculum that is offered to you if you are willing to accept and listen. The instructors are only an email away and respond right away. They are always there to help and go above and beyond that of traditional instructors that I have taken classes from before. The online classes are awesome and I love the information that is put into each class that I have taken so far. —Angie W., California I was able to obtain a degree in Metaphysical Humanistic Science through IMHS. This institute provided me with a great experience of academic and spiritual growth. The instructors are constantly challenging the students to think past their concrete levels of processing, and move into the abstract. Feedback on assignments and exams were given in a timely manner, with constructive critiques made. —Dr. Courtney P., Virginia
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